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Sunday, January 3, 2021

WeWriWar 337: The House at the Crossing 43

Hello everybody and welcome for a new Sunday of writing with Weekend Writing Warrior and Snippet Sunday!
Happy New Year Everyone! 
As a New Year Resolution I'm trying to get back to a more regular writing routine. We'll see how it goes.
Let's continue with  "The House at the Crossing" and it's a prequel to Demon Soul and the demon series. It's a bit of a mix of Fantasy and Science-fiction.
It follows one of the books more obscure character as she first comes into the House. It's supposed to explain why there are so many people is the house and sort of where they come from and at the same time be a first time adventure for the main character as she needs to adapt to her new role and the new version of who she is.

Let's start right at where we left off last week !



The house is strange. It seems that the walls are moving as Teresa progresses in front of me in the corridor. There are stairs near the entrance door but they are flickering in and out of sight as if they only partially exist so I avoid looking at them. I remember from the outside that the house had only one floor. There shouldn't be any stair. Unless they are going to the attics.

“The house will stabilize once you know what you want it to look like, until you need changes of course,” Teresa says. “It doesn't affect the other inhabitants.”
“You're not alone here?” I ask.



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  1. Hmmm. The house is definitely strange. I like her calm observations as she follows into the unknown.

  2. How cool! A house that forms itself into what the person wants it to lool like? Is it a good witch or a bad witch. I'm totally intrigued.

  3. I love all the additional details you keep adding in! Great snippet!

  4. Uh oh! "You're not alone here?" More layers of intrigue! Nicely done,Linda!

    Happy New Year!

  5. I want to live in that house!
