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Thursday, September 3, 2020

Thursday Fiction 279: Parallel Slip

Welcome back to a new part of Parallel Slip, where we follow the adventures of Frederique through her slip in different parallel universes.

Image by DarkWorkX from Pixabay
Let's start right where we left off last week.

I didn't have time to hear what she said. The next thing I heard was a honking from the street nearby. The light from the cars were reaching the ceiling and passing like ghosts from the opening the curtains didn't cover. I was back in my room with a strange feeling. I had talked to my other self. She was me but at the same time she was so different than me. I didn't understand how this could happen, I didn't understand how I was able to talk to her. 
I reached the desk and turned on the lamp. I needed to write it all down. My diaries were in a mess from the record we had been entering in the computer. I was afraid, afraid that it was all a dream, something I created to cope with the black out and the way my mother had been reacting to them. I was afraid that I was now able to communicate with my other self because I had talked about it with Alex. 
There didn't seem to be anything special in that particular universe. I had never doubted myself before. I had known from childhood that those trips were trips and not just dreams but I started to think it was convenient to go traveling through Asia while the other kids were on school trip. It was convenient to save Amy just before meeting her. Before meeting her, not after, I couldn't know, entropy low and time arrow that can't be reverse. Logic would want everything I saw to be different universes. I took a deep breathe and excelled slowly. I needed to trust myself. The trip with Amy was my proof even if my only one and I needed to cling at it until I got something else. The new fact was, I could talk to this version of me, the old fact was, I never really tried to talk to any version of me before except Michelle on the spaceship. Now why was it easier to talk to this one. What was so special about her? 

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