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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Wednesday Snippet 269: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.

Kelpie tried to turn around to look at her but missed a step, his ribs were killing him. It was worse in horse shape he could feel them broken all around his torso as if the transformation had made it worse.
“Are you hurt?” Jezabel said.
“I'm alright,” Kelpie answered feeling her hand on his side.
He wanted to transform back to his human shape. It was way too painful this way but he couldn't let himself be naked in front of a girl.
The light started to glow around him out from Jezabel's hand.
“What are you doing?” he said and tried to walk away from her but he was like paralyzed.
That stupid angel was curing him again. There was definitely no end to this girl's stubbornness. She vacillated on her feet when she finished and Kelpie caught her with his body. She was wet and cold, water was dripping from her clothes and body.
“Climb back on,” Kelpie said.
“I'm ok,” She answered trying to stabilized herself on her feet.
“Damn it, climb back on, you have broken ribs,” Kelpie said.
Seeing that there was no other way, Jezabel moved her wings slowly to get on Kelpie's back, his body was warm below her. She sneezed.
“You've gonna have to learn to stop to do that,” Kelpie said.
“Do what?”
“Cure the first person hurt that you see,” Kelpie said.
Jezabel sneezed again.
“I told you I can't, that's what being an angel is all about.”
She lied down on his back, pulling on his mane again.

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