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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tuesday Cinema: The perk of being a wallflower

Welcome to a new Tuesdays Cinema. This week we have a movie that really puzzled me. It can somehow be classified here as a Writer Movie since the main character is an aspiring writer. It can also be a romantic comedy, but I think it's more of a drama type of high school story without the high school stupidity (I mean not all of it). Seeing I don't like putting things in boxes, I was doomed to love this movie.

The story: Charlie is writing letters to someone to explain about his miserable life. He doesn't feel right about going to high school after having spent a lot of time at the hospital, as he says it himself, high school is worse than no school. That's until he starts talking to Patrick and Sam, who he almost immediately falls in love with. But the world continues moving around him and Charlie, wanting everyone to be happy has a lot of problems going around to discuss his emotion. The reality is Charlie is traumatized from childhood and the more people get close to him, the more it triggers his remembrance of what happened to him. 

My feelings: This movie was awesome. All the characters were really deep and had a background story of their own that lead to the interaction and friendship they had with each other. The fact that Charlie managed on the side to be friend with a teacher when it seemed that everyone in his class, and later his temporary girlfriend made him think he was a loser for it was really impressive and courageous and his love for writing surpassed the typical high school boundary. On the other side there was the relationship he had with other people, especially Sam and Patrick that leaded him to understand their story and their battles and their fight for survival in a world that didn't want them or was only hurting them. Charlie was not an overly emotional character on the outside but we could feel all the way his feelings running inside as he personalized all the pain of his friends until breaking down.

Quote: “We accept the love we think we deserve.”

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