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Monday, February 2, 2015

Pullip doll: A pair of Namus

Not so long ago I got a Namu Wolf. Namu are rather rare at they only made them for 6 months before giving up the character totally as it was not a big success. Somehow I find myself wishing for them to made more as I like his little face very much. 
I thought that the Namu Wolf was the only Namu I would ever manage to get, so I called him Namu (you can clap at the originality), but I was wrong. I also found a Namu Vispo which is the first Namu ever created and the one I liked the most in the first place. As I now have two Namus, I named the second Namu: Hikaru, (which is totally, totally, totally, totally unrelated with my obsession with Piece... Am I trying to justify myself a bit too much?)
Anyway, here are some pictures of my two boys. 

My Namu Wolf in his box looking around to see what's going on.
 He is starting to get out, still something puzzling on the side.
 Free, with a wolf hat!
 A very big wolf hat.
 The good thing with the Namus is that they are really well balanced and can stand on their own, so no need for a doll stand even on uneven surfaces, kinda awesome!
 And he can even disguise as the grandmother. (Yes, he is that wolf)
 He looks totally cool. I didn't think I was going to love him so much.
 Reading wolf!
 Then I made him a new outfit for Valentin's Day photo contest (I still haven't taking the pictures for it though)
 Here is a traditional Before/After picture. What a transformation!
 And then my Namu Vispo arrived. His name is Hikaru for reasons you have forgotten about. ;)
 He just looks too adorable with his crazy hair and blue eyes.
 I also like that he can stand alone, but you already knew that and that he has "normal" fashionable clothes. I mean my Isul Mao and Nekoneko Maomao do too, but they are smaller than my pullip dolls while Namu is taller.
 Sitting in the cardboard!
 And here is the last picture taken with my new MIO doll which now has a totally new outfit and who I will introduce to you next week. By the way Akemi has her eyes on Hikaru so I might have one extra couple for the Valentin's day pictures.

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