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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Blue Angel part 15 (NaNoWriMo 2013) Official NaNoWriMo Winner

So as I said in the title, I verified my novel and I'm an official NaNoWriMo Winner. I'm glad I had a lot more words than necessary to win and that I had them in advance because the word verification eat about 1300 of them. I guess that's the difference between office and NaNo but working on MS word, I never had such a huge word difference.
Anyway, here is what my statistics look like.
 It looks a little bit weird. I think I haven't been following the NaNo diet pretty well, instead of a regular writing rhythm, I just had big writing days followed by few days of recovery. But all in all it still got the job done. I will post the official NaNo winner badges on the first of December once all my team is done with writing so that they can discover them on the NaNo website, as usual. 
I'm still not done just yet so as I was aiming at 75k words this month so I will use the last days of November to get there. Office is telling me I have only less than 10k left but I will try to have the NaNo website telling me the same just to be fair.

Here is the new part of Blue Angel. We continue with Kamaril having a strange encounter under the sea (which made me think about having and pure Kamaril under the sea novel later on) and then we go back to the living-room still spitting out demonic creature out of all the corner of hell to see our group having a little argument about going or not going and who is going to go to the Fairy World. But seeing what happened in Demon and Fairy, I can't really blame them for not willing to go save Kelpie without even knowing if he is dead or alive.

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