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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Indie Block Party Post 8: Social Media & Networking Tips

Let's conclude with the last post of the Indie Block Party. Indie authors have gathered to talk about... Indie author stuff, like writing and stories and trying not to bored the readers, you should check them out HERE it might be fun.
Today I'm supposed to give you some tips about networking and social media.
I'm not really a social media or networking champion so I don't really know if I'm qualified to give any tips. More likely I'm still just experimenting with facebook and twitter mostly. I have a faint presence on google+ and goodread. 
So this is what I do in no particular order, I'm not sure if it's working or not though:
1) I use social media to be around and show people what I'm doing. 
2) Use reciprocity one retweet for one retweet for example. 
3) I refuse to post about other people on my facebook pages (blog page, author page) (except when I have a guest blog post) this is because I'm annoyed when I see a writer I like having everything about other writers on their page. If I wanted to know about them I would follow them and I think a lot of people think the same way. 
4) Participate to blog hops (Week-end Writing Warriors, Hump Day Hook, Snippet Sunday and from this week Travel Tuesday)
5) Comment on everyone during the blog hops (it show your name there even if they don't visit you) 
6) Optimize the twitter's hashtag (please retweet people retweeting you)
7) Give reviews on Createspace (those are private reviews and it sometimes work like an exchange)
8) Participate to writers groups on facebook.
9) I have an amazon author page, a goodread author page linking to my blog. 
10) Selling my novel characters dolls on etsy.
11) I also have a youtube channel which should be waking up soon (at least I hope)
12) Organizing crazy contest: On going, Mich's Summer Mystery
13) I use futurestweets to get my tweets out when I sleep so that I can read readers from the other side of Earth. 

That's about it. Sometimes it's fun and sometimes it can also feel like it's draining my energy away. Remember to turn off the computer sometimes.
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  1. Good advice, Linda--some here I'd never thought of. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Some good advice here, Linda! Thanks for sharing these tips! :)

  3. You've got quite a bit to say for a self proclaimed not networking champion. I'm glad you shared!

    Also, computers turn off? Huh, learn something every day.
