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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My Little Bride 어린 신부

En français
어린 신부 My Little Bride is a Korean romantic comedy from 2004, starring 문근영 (文根英, Moon Geun Young) as 보은 and 김래원(金來沅, Kim Rae Won) as 보은.

보은 and 보은 are forced to married by 보은 grand-father as he promises to 상민 grand-father that their children will be married together. As they both only add sons, the promise skip a generation.

상민 is a young art teacher, and playboy. 보은 is a 15 year old school girl, stressing about her high school exam, her enrollment in university and interested in a baseball player called 중워. On day 상민 has to go teaching in 보은 school.

This movie is very funny and romantic. It's the story of two people trying to show that they are not related in front of the judging eyes of the world as they really deeply like each other.

문근영 (文根英, Moon Geun Young) also plays in 장화, 홍련 literally 'Rose Flower, Red Lotus' known as A Tale of Two Sisters an horror movie (2003).
김래원(金來沅, Kim Rae Won) plays in 러브스토리 인 하버드, Love Story in Harvard.
Complementary informations on this movie available here.
Cinema, Manga, Animation Content

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