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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Wednesday Snippet: Demon World 140

Welcome to a new part of Demon World unedited, we start right where we left off last time.

A ball of fire passed just near his hear and landing somewhere in his room. Using fire against him was the better way to defy him. The smallest of the three demons was the one standing in front, his hand still in position. Yue looked at him above his shoulder smirking. The atmosphere suddenly felt hot and heavy, everyone was waiting for them to move, to know who would be the one dictating the rules after their fight, everyone except the demon standing on his table, he started to read again.
“Earlier today, one of you went out for a bit of fresh air and killed one of us creating a breach in the energy barrier. We want to know who it is. Until the guilty guy is found, you will be punished one after the other.” He claimed.
“Try that”, Kamaril said.
“If someone managed to get out, I seriously doubt he’ll be here waiting for you to punish him, he is probably out there ruling the world with his new powers which is exactly what all of us should do”, one of the other demons answered.
They seized the demon on the table and punched him in the face.
“Enough!” the voice of the demon with long hair resonated in the room. He didn’t seem so involved at the beginning but he seemed passable mad now.
“We have important things to do, we will let you to starve in here”, he said turning around followed by the two others.

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Monday, October 9, 2017

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green (Book Review) Turtles all the Way Down Countdown 4/4 (with video)

Today, I'm reviewing the last of John Green's books until tomorrow and probably the most famous too: The fault in our stars.
First I have to say I didn't like this book all that much. I think it's overrated. I didn't feel anything sympathy for most of the characters. Yes, they are going to die and that's so sad because they are so young but basically my feeling for them sort of stopped there. I don't know if it's because I already knew they were going to die I mean since they all have cancer.

But I couldn't be friend with any of those characters and I need to be friend with the characters in the books I read or at least I need to have some emotional reaction to them. With this book, I didn't.

I find the character highly pretentious and the fact that they are sick doesn't mean they can't be spoiled little brats. The entire book feels like they know everything about life and about other people and their struggles just because they are dying. It's just very annoying.
Then we have everybody around the main character being a pain. I mean Patrick is ridiculed, Hazel's parent really don't understand poor Hazel who knows so much better, the nurses don't go to funerals, and the writer of Hazel's favorite book is like... a drunk.
It's like from Hazel's point of view the entire world sucks and nobody can be a decent person. And I totally get that she has teenager view of the world aka adults=bad idiots and cancer but at the same time it's really tiring to read.

And then there is the love story and it didn't really work for me. Because if I can't like the characters it's really hard to imagine how they can' love each other, I guess but at the same time all of them were so self-centred that I wasn't sure to see how this work except for the fact that they might want to experience stuff at rushed speed because they don't have time to lose after all.

I think Augustus was a nice guy and that he could have really love Hazel but the problem I have here is that:
1) he was dying without telling her.
2) He wanted to get laid and she was probably the only one around wanting to help with that. 
3) He already explained that his previous girlfriend died of brain cancer and he stayed with her by pity, which really doesn't help me trusting his deep feeling for Hazel even though they still felt more genuine than Hazel's feeling for him.

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Sunday, October 8, 2017

Paper Towns by John Green (Book Review) Turtles all the Way Down Countdown 3/4 (with video)

Today I'm reviewing a third book by John Green: Paper Town.
This book is based on two things. The first, Margo Roth Spiegelman a teenager with an history of skipping town for greater adventure while living clues behind for nobody to find her.
The second, Paper Towns, a fake town on a map used to detect plagiarism.
The book is build in the way that we see different angles of Margo through the eyes of Quentin but never one angle that Margo seem to be satisfied with. Margo is like that person who doesn't believe that the sum of her elements make her whole. I think in the end Quentin actually gets that and Margo still doesn't and still look for herself, which made me feel like the whole thing was a bit pointless. Yes, it's true that readers, including me, are probably routing got Margo and Q to get together but that's a John Green book that is sort of based on how real people will act so people in real life never really get those kind of wishes and we don't.
Margo remains in the darkness and still don't understand herself and since the book is about her, I find it a bit annoying.
I mean it's a beautiful read, don't get me wrong but I wished in include and evolution in the character of Margo just like it did for everyone else. For me Margo remain through the entire book the same person and that's really strange considering all that happened. At the same time, she is also repeating the same thing over and over again trying to obtain a different result which is kind of madness.

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WeWriWar 227: Demon Soul

Welcome to a new excerpt for the Weekend Writing Warrior and Snippet Sunday.

When Demon Soul first came out, it wasn't really in it's best form. 
It is the first book of my Demon Series and the First book of The House at The Crossing cluster. I have written a lot of the other books in the series, I have about 6 so far, but I haven't gone to publishing them mostly because I wasn't happy with the quality of Demon Soul and Demon and Fairy. So I wanted to have something that look better and that I could be proud of  before getting the other books out.
I decided to redo Demon Soul with a brand new edit and a brand new cover. 
The book is almost ready and the professional cover should arrive next month so I though I could start here with a few snippet until the cover reveal and the new publishing. 


It was a dark day following a dark week and Brownie already knew that Yue would leave. She had been fighting it for weeks now but it was too late. Even if she could save him, his love was already dead. His love for her left with his memory changing. Brownie watched him leave for the last time with tears falling from her eyes. She knew that he wasn't the one she fell in love with, and that he was a completely different person, unable to love her anymore. But those thoughts didn't make it easier. Seeing Yue walk away from her again reminded her of her vain quest to bring him back. 

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