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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Limited Lil'fairy Review: Little Maid Erunoe (with video)

Here is the second video of the series about the Limited Azone lil'fairies little maid that you could obtain from the lil' fairies book. Today it's Erunoe's turn. Erunoe of course has blue hair to match her blue eyes.
Actually, I decided I wanted this series when I saw her at the azoe store in a blue dress. She was too cute. They were a bit hard to find since they aren't available from the book anymore but I still managed to get the three of them as a pack.
I like Erunoe and I would love to have the last three versions of her that I'm still missing so I'm working on that. Hopefully, that will be doable.
She comes in a dark blue maid dress, a bit longer I think than the original maid dress for the first Erunoe and with her own broom to help clean the house.
Of course, I took some pictures of her in the blue dress that made me want her.

Here is the video
And here are some pictures.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Limited Lil'fairy Review: Little Maid Lipu (with video)

A long time ago, I introduced three lil'fairy fro the limited series that I got on yahoo auction all together. I promised to have review of them and some pictures but the time passed and I hadn't been around it until now.
This series of doll were to be obtained from a book. You had to buy the book and then order each lil'fairies separatedly at 10000 yen each, one doll order per book, which is a bit of a trouble if you want all three because that means getting three identical books.
I will be reviewing all three of them and also changing their clothes since I wanted to get them after seeing Erunoe at the azone store with a different outfit which I also got.
The first one is Lipu. The lil'fairies are originally little helpers, the first version being a maid and this version of lipu is also a maid. The difference is that she has green hair since the limited series has fantasy colored hair. I actually like this version because the hair actually fit the green eyes and she reminds me of Hatsune Miku, especially that she is wearing her hair high instead of low like the other Lipus.
She of course has the maid outfit with the dress, with separable sleeves and the apron.  She also comes with a cleaning sheet and a broom.

Here is the video

And here are some pictures.

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Wednesday Snippet: Demon World 113

Welcome to a new part of Demon World unedited, we start right where we left off last time.
“Why are you so interested in the witch”, Odeon asked taking his brother focus away from Yue for a second.
“That’s what I would like to know?” Torsti asked.
“That’s my problem, the witch is mine, nobody touch her until I give her to them, is that clear”, Yue said looking around at all of them.
He didn’t care if that was clear of not, he hadn’t let half of his power show in the battle which wasn’t the cast for most of them, they looked like their energy had been rained out of them. He was tired but he was ready to fight for the witch.
“It doesn’t matter to me, witch or not witch I don’t plan to die anytime soon anyway”, Kamaril answered.
“What does the witch represent to you, Yue? Do you have some dark secret to hide”, Torsti asked putting his hammer on his shoulder as if ready to smash Yue straight across the face. He was menacing, his voice was menacing, his attitude was menacing. Kion closed his eyes and balanced himself faster. Yue didn’t move. He smiled, he smiled more and more looking at the serious look on Torsti’s face and he started to laugh. He didn’t have any secrets to hide, his own secrets were already hidden from him.
“Shut the hell up!” Torsti said swinging his hammer.
He was slow, so slow too slow. Yue jumped helped by his wings and stood on the hammer’s head just before it hurt the wall behind him.
“The witch is mine, she is my business, you keep yourself out of my way”, he said looking down at Torsti surprised face.

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Snow Black Princess Aika: Longest doll wait in Azone dolls history (with video)

Today, I'm reviewing the Azone doll that required the longest wait in the history of Azone dolls: The Dollybird limited Snow Black Princess Aika.
Snow Black Princess Aika was announced about a year ago at the same time as Snow White Princess Aika. Snow White Princess Aika was a normal released and came out in normal time after a pre-order period and a short wait. Snow Black Princess Aika however, as a dollybird limited doll, was only available through preorder on Hobby Japan. I decided not to take a chance and to order her as soon as possible so I did so on February 26th, 2016. The pre-order however was opened until the end of June and the doll was supposed to be released this February. It is very unusual for Azone dolls to have such a long preorder. Groove also had special pre-order for Pullip Alura at the same time and even that wasn't all that long in comparison.
The Snow Black version of Aika was often to be seen at the Azone store in Akihabara but I was a bit worried about where mine actually was. Then one day, months after the pre-order was closed, I received an email asking for payment. Then again nothing for mnomonths then again about two weeks ago an email stating that the dolls would be shipped on the 17th. I actually received an email about the tracking on the 18th and she arrived later that same evening.

Snow Black Princess Aika is probably one of the most beautiful doll in the Otogi no Kuni series. She has the particularity to have a sort of orange hair made from strand of mixed colors ranging from brown to pink. She also has a smile that shows her teeth, she is my only azone doll with that sort of face.
She is wearing a very detail outfit with many different layer that allow her to have several possible outfit combination if needed. She comes with a basket just the same as the Snow White Aika but in a black version. I think these two doll really look great together.

Here is the video

And here are some pictures

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