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Thursday, December 1, 2016

Dolly Vlog Hop #17: I have no style! (with video)

This is video number 17 of the Dolly Vlog Hop. The question this week is:
What type of doll fashion you are drawn to? Casual, lolita, vintage, etc.

In this video, I go through some of the doll style I enjoy even though I can't really name style and don't understand how a lot of the fashion style actually work but whatever. I also show you part of my newly reorganised doll shelves.

Never miss a Dolly Vlog Hop video, check our playlist

Check out the other Vlog Hop participants.
For more information on the Vlog Hop and how to participate, check out the rules or ask me because I'm the one organizing.
If you want to participate by making videos, I'll give you the rules and the weekly question as well as an updated list of participants.
If you want the Dolly Vlog Hop to answer your question, just leave it in the comments and I'll add it to the list.
Don't forget to like my facebook page: Doll and Amigurumi for more doll stuff.

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NaNoWriMo 29th and 30th day log: THE END (and what's next) with video

This is the last update on NaNoWriMo. I might have more writing updates later depending how things goes.
Today is December 1st so NaNoWriMo finished at midnight last night. It was a lot of fun as usual, I didn't participate in as much word count sharing and discussion as I usually do because my schedule was a bit tight and I sort of missed that but it didn't stop me from finishing it and reaching my first goal even if I didn't make it to the second.
In this video, I talk a lot about what is coming next, that is, what I'm going to be doing writing-wise in December. I'm introducing NaNoFiMo, you can join the forum here even though it's a bit dead today, I don't know if it's going to be updated or when you can have a look here.
And also I talk about my word count spread sheet. Basically, that's what I use when there is no other place online to count my words. It's also pretty nice in the sense that I can keep the data and analyse them later and compare them to other months. If you want the spread sheet, just let me know and I'll figure out a way to give it to you.

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Thursday Taster 124: Parallel Slip

Hello and welcome to a new Thursday Taster, the day when awesome writers all over the blogosphere come together to give you tasty bits of their last fiction. You can find the list here.
We start right where we left off last week.
I couldn't know that, I wasn't in biology class with her.
Jimmy extended his hand to Amy and she took it. They walked further away from the table between people and I lost side of them. Mike or Nick whatever his name was took my hand and pulled me up. Not like he was asking more like he was forcing me and he waked in the same direction. I followed him. I needed to find Amy. That was the plan, to stuck with her and get us out of trouble. I didn't like the grip he had on my hand and I didn't like that his hands were freezing cold. I was hot as hell in here with all the people around and the smoke and the music, I was sweating under my shirt, how could Mike-nick's hand be so cold.
There was a dancing area. A place where people weren't standing as close to each other then in the other parts of the bar and color spots of light were brushing the people and the floor. I spotted Amy and Jimmy. They were dancing. Mike-nick started to dance too without releasing my wrist. I smiled at him and started to dance too, it was so awkward. I think he relaxed because I could feel his grip on my soften until I managed to fully free myself. He didn't take his eyes of me and I kept glancing at Jimmy and Amy.
"Sorry you have to do with me, Jimmy can only handle one girl at a time," Mike-nick said bending near my ear.
I pushed away from him and smiled. I think I had never forced myself to smile so much in my entire life, my cheeks were starting to feel painful at the new exercise. But what the hell was that supposed to mean: Jimmmy can only handle one girl at a time? There was no way anyone was handling me, no Jimmy and definitely not Mike-nick. Mike-nick was trying to get closer and I used that to move toward Amy as subtly as possible. She seemed to be trying to move away from Jimmy's grips too but she was still genuinely smiling. I didn't know what was going on. In my world, well in all of them, people kept their hands for themselves unless they knew each other and mutually agreed on things like that. I realized how protected I had been all my life and how naive that made me. Damn. I had travelled to so many world but I didn't know how to handle a guy coming hard at me and Mike-nick had one hand on my shoulder and the other on my hips before I knew it and was pulling my closer. I put my hands on his chest and pushed and he grabbed my wrist again.

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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wednesday Snippet: Demon World 101

Welcome to a new part of Demon World unedited, we start right where we left off last time.

“She will be out soon, I promise”, he said to her making sure that the older woman couldn’t hear him, she was still talking to him about the weather as if she was trying to take his attention away from the girl.
“I don’t know what you mean”, the girl said. He could smell the fear on her. His other self smiled and walked away.
“Have a nice day”, he said pulling out his black hat and putting it back on his head. He noticed that him too was dressed in black. He walked toward a high tower which was guarded by two other men dressed just like him. He realized that he was a priest in this world, something that had never occurred to him before. Most humans had never seen demons, for them they were just creatures from another world, something religious and Sahel had never cared much about religion. When he was a child he had only learned two things. The first was Demon bad, Human good. That’s what a lot of people had been repeated around, and he could somehow verify the demon being bad part of the theory as every time they had been attacked, it was by demons and they were really scary for him at that time. The second thing he had learn was that he could chose for himself if he wanted to be good or bad, that it was his decision and that nobody else could make it for him. He was the master of his own destiny. And he had realized that it was true, that not all demons were completely bad, that he could make friend with some of them, but also that not every human was good, that some of them could be even worse than what they basically thought about demons. But now, he was a priest. His memories and his knowledge in his life were coming back to him slowly. He had always wanted to be a priest, from when he was very little. He laughed at the idea as his other self was greeting the others and getting in the tower. It wasn’t a church. It was more like a prison.

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