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Thursday, December 31, 2015

Thursday Taster 76: Parallel Slip

Hello and welcome to a new Thursday Taster, the day when awesome writers all over the blogosphere come together to give you tasty bits of their last fiction. You can find the list here.
We climbed anyway but I could already imagine the argument she was going to serve me later, about how I was supposed to climb and go down stairs without a handle every single day. I was already glad she didn't ask for me to be on the ground floor at the dormitory, but that was certainly because she didn't think I would stay there more than a day. At the top of the stairs were tables for insurance companies. People selling books and a large advertisement board on the left. It was difficult to progress in the crowd. I managed to figure out where the main lecture hall was and my parents followed me to it. It was a large room the sort they call an amphitheatre, The board was at the very bottom of the room and the sits were organized in stairs in semi circle so that everyone could see everything happening with the teacher not matter how tall the person in front of them was. We had twenty minutes left before the introduction started. I was the only one sitting between her parents and others were already throwing me looks. It was terrible, I really wanted to hide. The fatidical time had also passed and I was still here fully conscious. After 10 minutes between my parents saying nothing to me or to each other I couldn't take it anymore.
"I'm going to the toilet," I said.
"The lecture is going to start," my mother said.
"I really need to go, I'll be back on time."
"I'm going with you," my mother said.
Her trust in me was so great it was unbelievable.
"She'll be fine," my father said and I ran away disappearing in the crowd before having to listen to there argument.
The toilets weren't far, just at the top of the amphitheatre and it was also invaded by the crowd. There is not a single time where you will find anywhere female toilets to be empty. I wondered how long it would take any of them to yell in panic if I was to faint right here. Not a very good idea.
I waited anyway. Anything was better than to be with my parents right now, still wondering when I was going to black out. I never thought about recording my black out time but I could still know the time approximatively from my brain scan. I opened my diary to have a look, from the very beginning of this notebook. I couldn't see anything that could make me suspect a pattern. I wondered what my father wanted to say by saying we have at least four hours. It was almost 1.30 and I was still here. I went to pee quickly and gain back my sit, except that I stayed next to my father instead of being in the middle of my parents. The team taking care of the introduction was already at the bottom. My mother throw me the look but I didn't care.
"It took you a long time," she said suspicious.

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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Wednesday Snippet: Demon World 53

Welcome to Demon World unedited. It seems it's finally time for alliance. But can demons really trust each other?
Yue was the first one to recover. He landed near Kamaril and blocked his fist. The young demon was barely strong enough to stand on his feet but he wasn’t ready to forget to fight for his life yet.
“Let’s get out of here”, Yue said.
“Why would you help me”, Kamaril said looking at him. Yue didn’t have a single scratch, even his clothes were almost unstained and the stained weren’t his own blood. He knew how to fight, maybe that was the only thing he could remember about himself. He was tired, heavily tired but he wouldn’t have let anyone to know.
Kamaril on the other side had bruises and cuts all over his body, his shirt had disappeared and he was trembling with rage and cold.
Yue looked around,
“Because the guys who locked us here are going to come back to finish what they started, they don’t want us awoke, they want us dead”, he said.
“I think you’re right kid”, a voice said on his left. It was a demon, around forty, he was holding his arm above the elbow, and the rest of it was missing. He stood up straighter, fighting against his tiredness.
“Let’s get the hell out of here” he yelled. His voice barely covered Odeon’s but the fights completely stopped. Yue wasn’t sure how but everyone must have had their dose of killing for the day, or for a life time. He wanted to sleep, not even to eat anything and fill his long time empty stomach, he just wanted to go home and sleep, even though he knew that it was impossible now, he had to get out and run for his life. They all seemed to feel the same, the people they had been sharing meal with for the last couple of months were now dead and they had killed them. Demons didn’t feel the guilt of the killing, more the proud of being alive but this time was different, they were more grateful than anything else, not grateful for their new powers, grateful for their lives.
But getting out of here wasn’t going to be that easy. As soon as the fights stopped, they reappeared. First the background guys, disappearing like one in the shadow behind the thrones, then the three of them, wearing new fresh clothes and all of the demons around would have envied from their garments covered in blood and sweat.
Odeon staggered to the front, he was blinded by anger. Yue put a hand on his arm to stop him but Odeon pushed him away. So Yue put his hand on his arm again and burned it, with his divine black fire. The fire wasn’t to be seen, it was propagated inside of Odeon’s arm, cleaning the rage, making his body become numb, it was painful, extremely painful, if he wasn’t calming down soon, if Yue wasn’t releasing his grip soon, he would die.
“We’ll take them down”, Yue muttered soflty in his hear. “We’ll take them all down.”
Odeon looked at him and Yue released his grip. Odeon felt on his knees like emptied from his entire energy. Lonan ran toward him.
“What did you do to Odeon?” he said looking up at Yue angrily. He was ready to fight, Yue knew that.
“It’s alright Lonan, everything is going to be fine now”, Odeon said.

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Monday, December 28, 2015

Pullip doll: Dal Hanaayame

En français
Hanaayame is the last doll I got from the doll show 44 and my second in the series with traditional Japanese clothes. I also discovered that there is only a Taeyang in this series, the Taeyang Seiran. Since they are from 2008, there was no Isul yet as Isul started in 2011. Still I think the Isul Okita Souji would go really well with them.
Hanaayame looks like a little princess. She doesn't have as many accessories as Youtsusu, especially for her hair but she has a really nice black and blue wig.
She also has a very nice kimono with four layers of fabric.

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Sunday, December 27, 2015

WeWriWar 135: Rainbow Catcher

Welcome to a new excerpt of Rainbow Catcher for the Weekend Writing Warrior and Snippet Sunday

Now let's go back to our story.

Summary of previous episodes: Clarissa is coughing and wanted to watch Everett Cooper on TV but Jason refused, she is due to get her rainbow the next day but she seems scared, to make her feel better Jason leave the TV on. Clarissa tried to explain about rainbows, she is a big fan of Everett Cooper but Jason is not too sure about it. Clarissa complained about her dialophone but Jason needs to go to work. Before completely leaving he is thinking about getting her her rainbow. We flashed back to the meeting Jason had with a rainbow seller at the black market. Jason left Clarissa's room to go to work. Jason was talking to his boss about the rainbow coming the next day. Jason prepared the money for the rainbow in a sport bag and went to the hospital. The rainbow seller arrived for the delivery.

We start just where we left off last week.

Jason stood back up and carried the case to the bed. Clarissa was still hiding looking at him with only her eyes visible from under the blanket.
“I’ll get doctor Marshall,” Jason said.
“As you want,” the fat man answered with a move of his hand mimicking Jason earlier.
“Don’t go,” Clarissa muttered with a tiny voice catching his hand.
“It will be fine,” Jason said.
He stepped out of the room.
“Just stay here, I’ll be right back,” he added for the fat man.

Answer to last week's comments:

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