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Sunday, April 26, 2020

WeWriWar 325: The House at the Crossing 31


Hello everybody and welcome for a new Sunday of writing with Weekend Writing Warrior and Snippet Sunday!
Let's continue with  "The House at the Crossing" and it's a prequel to Demon Soul and the demon series. It's a bit of a mix of Fantasy and Science-fiction.
It follows one of the books more obscure character as she first come into the House. It's suppose to explain why there are so many people is the house and sort of where they come from and at the same time be a first time adventure for the main character as she needs to adapt to her new role and the new version of who she is. 

This weekend is the 24B4Monday Readathon and Saturday was the Dewey Readathon. Anyone else participating? As I'm writing this I'm on my third book.

Let's start right at where we left off last week !

“No, it really isn't,” Teresa said. “You will remember what you need, when you need it.”
“But I need all my memories, all the time, they make me, me,” I said.
Some of me agreed, some of me, I'm not sure. I guess there are things you always feel like you better forget.
“No, you actually don't. Most of the time, you need very little,” Aunt Teresa said. “And the thing is, they will still be there for your recall, just, you will have a lot more of them.”
“And what if I get out of the house, I have things to do, don't they too?” I asked moving my arm to point at all the other versions of me, there is only five of us left, for some reasons, the others are gone and I sort of feel sad for them.

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  1. This conversation strikes me as something that would fit right into Alice in Wonderland.

  2. I love this comment "But I need all my memories, all the time, they make me"

  3. She asks all the right questions, for sure. THe part about memories really made me stop and think for a minute about the whole subject, which was great. Loved the snippet!

  4. I would want all my memories. Really interesting story.

  5. I like the discussion about the importance of memories. Good snippet.

  6. That would drive me crazy, too, knowing there was more but I couldn't get to it. Nice conundrum!

  7. I would want to be able to have all of my memories too. You’re stories always captivate me. Great snippet.

  8. Thought provoking. Nice, Linda.

  9. I agree--I'd want all my memories all the time. I'll feel badly for her if she really can't have them.

  10. I agree with her. I'd want all my memories all of the time.

  11. Made me contemplate how many memories I've lost over the years. I wish I could hold onto them all.

  12. That last line really grabbed my attention! Very interesting situation, to say the least.

  13. I really enjoyed your snippet. My favorite scenes are full of dialogue. You've gotten me intrigued--she has different versions of herself? I'm motivated to keep reading to find out more about her story.

    Keep smiling,

  14. She is definitely right about memories making her her. I can't imagine not having my memories.

  15. I'm starting to worry that maybe aunt Teresa isn't telling the whole truth...

    And where did the other copies of her go?

    Wonderful questions to have!

  16. Interesting situation. I'm intrigued.
