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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tuesday Cinema: Flashdance

Flashdance is a movie from 1983 (the year I was born). I have watched it many times and rewatched it again recently, danced to the music at school, I find it very inspirational. 
The story: Alex is an 18 years old welder, but all she really cares about is dancing. She has an old lady friend who was once a ballet dancer encouraging her but having no proper school training, she is afraid to go through the audition process, especially that they might not even give her a chance to audition. During the entire movie her friends are also going through the difficult path of either reaching for their dreams or staying behind with an unfulfilled dream.

My feelings: I really like this movie for the music and poetry and also because it all tends toward personal goal. Even with Alex as the main character everyone around can try and do their best for what they really want in life. I also love the music. It's the sort of music that can been listen too when you feel down.

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