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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Editing Frenzy: Prompt 17, check your time line.

So I have been away for a while cause I was... editing. Harajuku Kiss is now going through the proof-reading stage, you know the part when I pretend that I can catch all the typos. That the couple of people reading it with me can catch all the typos I miss and that when we are done. I'll catch all the typos we all missed together and expect that to be true. 
Not a simple one of my book is typos free I'm afraid and that's not because I stopped searching for them, if you find any, send them my way so that the next reader won't suffer from them. Do I look obsessed with typos to you yet? No? I need to go read that book one more time then.. 

Anyway today I'm going to be nice and I'm not going to talk to you about proof-reading. I'm going to talk to you about one particular super power. How cool is that? It's called Ubiquity, and it's the power that let you be at too places at the same time. You all watch Charmed right, Pru could do that.
But unfortunately your characters can't. I mean maybe one or two can but most of them are just... you know like me and have to go to work and sleep at different time, which is why you need to draw a time line.
Remember those arrow with historical event and king births on the wall of the history class room. Well you gotta make one of these for your story. 
It doesn't need to be of scale of course but you need one.So here is how to do it.

1) Place the main events : That's going to help you make sure that everything doesn't happen on Fridays, that the week-end only have 2 evenings (I know that sucks), that you have the same drive length to school in the morning, that you don't climb a mountain in 2 hours when it should take a week. You see what I mean, right?

2) Place your characters : All of them, even minor one, you need to know who is where and when. All your scene should be on the arrow and all your characters should be on it. If the character appears in two events at the same place in time, BINGO! You have an ubiquity problem, single, isn't it?

3) Time to move : Check that if your character is at two different places in a short time that they have time to move from one place to the other.

Once that is done go back to edit the problem in your draft. It should give you a smooth, flawless time line.

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