Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Wednesday Snippet 392: Fairy World 33

Welcome back to Wednesday Snippet. This week, we continue with Fairy World unedited just where we left off last week.  

Deborah smirked.

"Do you want out of here and see for yourself?"

"Yes, but..."

"Then here is what we are gonna do..." Deborah said. "Then you're on your own, I need to go get Yue before everything burns."

Amarelis' hands were trembling and Deborah standing behind the door was not in any better shape. Amarelis kept on repeating to herself that this was a bad idea but she needed to see Kordelius, she needed to do something for herself. She took another report in front of her and pulled on a cord next to her, trying not to make it sound rushed on the other side. That cord ringed a bell, for someone, somewhere, she wasn't sure. She hoped that she sounded natural, she didn't remember how she rung the bell before. Did she pulled once only? Did she pulled twice? She waited for the signal to show but it didn't show. Would she see it or hear it? She tried to focus but she didn't remember. She had never done something like that before, not deliberately, she had helped the demons who had come to her world, but that was a question of life and death now she wonder if death wouldn't have been better: Kallisto would have married Kordelius or died and nothing would have changed for her, she would never have grown her wings.


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