Thursday, September 14, 2023

Thursday Fiction 390: Parallel Slip 2: Rebel

Welcome back to a new Thursday Fiction, it's been a while. We continue with Parallel Slip 2: Rebel where we left of last time, following Isabelle as she figure out who she really is.


Isabelle put the pendent in her left hand and concentrated to grabbing all the little details of it in her mind. Finally, after a few minutes, she manage to feel her pulse in her hand. Then a wave propagated inside her finger tips.

“I'm in, it's true your world is all different,” Nanurah said. “Let me take care of your little problem first.”

The wave propagated along Isabelle's arm as if a circle passed true her arm to scan it. It reached her shoulder and became bigger as her heart rate increased. It moved down her body, so slowly that Isabelle didn't notice it has moved until it reached her stomach. It was pushing the blood down and her heart rate become erratic. She tried to breath slowly through her nose but that wasn't helping. She was feeling vaguely faint. Then the circle decreased again to go through one leg and the blood at least partially came back up and her head cleared a bit. But still nothing felt weird or out of place. She wondered if the tracker was really something in her body.

“It is!” Nanurah-Isabelle said. “It's full of little pieces. I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable but I need to go everywhere to make sure it's all gone.”

The circle moved back up her leg and down the next. It was a strange feeling but it wasn't all that bad. Not like having Clara inside of her. She still couldn't believe how vulnerable and exposed she had felt. 


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