Thursday, March 28, 2019

Thursday Fiction 209: Parallel Slip

Hi everyone. 
I'm sorry for the lack of post lately. I moved to a new apartment and didn't have working internet for a while so I couldn't blog efficiently. Internet is back now so the normal posting is going to resume from today.
Enjoy your new part of Parallel Slip, where we follow the adventures of Frederique through her slip in different parallel universes.

Let's start right where we left off. 

"Yes of course. Everything you see in the universe is in the past, it take gazillion of years for the light to travel toward us so of course if I ever find something alive out there it would be a primary from of life which we can watch evolving but we'll never know what they evolved into or even if they are more advance than us about it until you get there so we are looking for dinosaurs technically."
She was really deep into it, that at least was no joke.
"But that's not the point her," she continued. "You don't have to let the fainting define you. That's so reductive."
"But that's her life," Alex said passing his head through the door Amy hadn't closed. "I was going to stop your reading to get you to dinner but thanks for inviting me."
"Sorry, she was out of it and I thought you had been things to do," Amy said. "Anyway, your life or not, it doesn't have be linked to the fainting."
"It sort has," Alex said.
"What do you know about what girls want?" Amy answered.
"I'll be right back," Alex left the room without answering Amy.

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