Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Wednesday Snippet 211: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.

Sahel was sitting topless in the center of the room in lotus position with his hands resting on this knees and his dark blue wings spread out as much as possible in his back and resting on the white floor. It was the only room of the sanctuary to have an even floor covered with white oak wood. Heavy african drums were resonating all around him.
“How can he meditate with such a noise?” Seti asked placing his hands on his sensitive ears.
“He doesn't,” Evalynn said pushing him on the side, putting a finger on her lips.
“Why are his wings so dark blue, that's unusual for him?” Seti asked.
“He is concentrating, damn can't you be quite and ask your question later,” Azazel said frowning.
He had tried the trance meditation once and it had turned pretty badly when he had broken his concentration without preparing himself first. The teacher had decided that he needed more training before trying it again. He didn't want to see that happen just now, being roasted wasn't part of his day's plan.
The three of them stood silently on the opposite side of the room. Azazel crossed his arm on his chest. There was something special about Sahel, always as if he was so old that he already knew all the tricks of life while still being so innocent and naïve about the demon world. Azazel couldn't understand how this could happen.

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