Sunday, February 24, 2019

WeWriWar 271: Demon Soul

Welcome to a new excerpt of DEMON SOUL for the Weekend Writing Warrior and Snippet Sunday

Brownie is a normal girl, or so she thinks. She likes to chat with her sisters about random things, she likes fashion and she is member of the fashion club at school. But one day, as her little brother gets really sick because of a curse placed on him, she meets this really strange guy who cures him absorbing the baby's sickness within himself. As he is about to fall from his new acquired fever, Brownie sees Yue's soul and immediately falls in love with him. But Yue is not a human, Yue is a demon.
Brownie and Yue will built their love story until....

Until Yue's soul is stolen. There is nothing left of their love. The purple light dancing in Yue's grey eyes is gone. Forever? Not quite. Brownie is desperate to find it back. And to get a soul stolen by demons, she needs to go deep into dark magic! But Brownie is not a witch, she is just looking for a spell powerful enough to bring her love back. When an amateur starts playing with strong magic without preparation and without caring for the consequences, things turn wrong...

Let's start right where we left off last week!

She sat in her bed trying to put herself back together, this time she was coming for it. She looked at the alarm clock. It was only 6 am and still dark outside. She lay down once more, looking at the ceiling. In a few hours, she would be heading to the Demon World. The sooner she got there the less chance she would have to meet anything nasty or undesirable. She had the list of things she needed on her mind. She knew everything, but after so many failures over the past few weeks she had a hard time believing that was enough.

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  1. I think you captured nicely how very hard it is to wait for a major task or huge challenge ahead. Enjoyed the excerpt - I like this heroine!

  2. Somehow I think it'll be hard not to met anything nasty in the Demon World!

  3. Ooo Sounds interesting, but don't sign me up for a vacation there. ;)

  4. Haha @ Amy's comment. I agree. No vacay with demons.

    Sounds like she's done all the preparing that she can. But the mention of earlier failures--yikes!

  5. Mental reservations and second thoughts like hers are great for ratcheting up the tension.

  6. I can feel her trepidation. I'd feel the same way. Yep, not going to vacation there, even if it would be a respite from snow and ice.

  7. Going to the Demon World can't be fun. I guess the nasty demons sleep in if she believes going their early she'll miss most of them. Good to know. :)

  8. What a strong girl to continue against such odds. You can feel her indecision warring with determination.
