Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Wednesday Snippet: Demon World 142

Welcome to a new part of Demon World unedited, we start right where we left off last time.

The three demons stopped in front of a room.
“How hard did you punch her? She is not waking up yet”, one of them said.
“She will be up soon”, the one with the longer hair answered.
“We better check that everything is fine before she wakes up, I don’t want to be interrupted again”, the third one said.
They started to walk away. Yue stopped hiding to get closer to the room.
“How many of them will die this time?” one of the demon asked.
“I would say none, most likely they will find the way out and disperse within the wood”, another answered.
The others started to laugh.
Yue progressed slowly not to be seen, he reached the entrance of the room as they were turning in the corridor.
She was there, lying on the ground, in a purple dressed. Suddenly something seemed familiar to him. Something in seeing her like that was imprinted in his memory. He entered the room without more precaution. Kion started to sing. He was happy, everything was progressing as planned, now he only needed the red fire to arrive and it would be done, he would finally be liberated from his pain.

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