Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins (Book Review) #Spookathon #Readathon (with video)

The Girl on the Train is the last book that I read in full for #Spookathon
I had already watched the movie so I definitely had to read the book. There are a bit of differences but the movie actually follow the plot really well. 

This book has three different POV in the first person in different chapters. So you always know who you are with. You follow three women on two different time line. 

Rachel, the girl on the train, is an alchoolic, depressive, divorcé who is obsessed with her ex-husband and like to look at a house while on the train because she imagine the life of the people living in it. 

Megan, is also depressed because she has a secret too heavy to carry. She is the type of hyperactive depressed person, sort of ation junky who would do anything not to think about the ghosts in her past. Basically, Megan and Rachel are exact opposite. One long for the past, the other can't avoid it enough. 

Then there is very boring Anna who is like a version of who Rachel used to be and would have been if her life had turned out as expected.

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