Thursday, October 26, 2017

Thursday Fiction 138: Parallel Slip

Welcome back to a new part of Parallel Slip, where we follow the adventure of Frederique through her slip in different parallel universes.

Let's start right where we left off last week.

That didn't stop him to question me later when we were around. I guess asking Amy twice if she was going to be ok didn't really help my lies. Still, I didn't acknowledge in front of him anything that happened. It was over and I didn't want to think about it much. The only think I could think about was that I still hadn't blacked out after the first hour and that was not normal. I started to imagine my life without the black out. How it would be, how it would feel and what it would make me. I looked around at the people in the room while speeding to take notes before the professor erased the board.
If I didn't black out anymore, I would be normal, just like everybody else. If I didn't black out, I wouldn't have anymore information about the parallel universe, I wouldn't be able to test my theory or maybe even develop them. I was feeling miserable. I realized how much I loved the black out. All my life, people around me, like my mother, the doctors and the nurses had been trying to take the black out away from me without success as if they were making me some disabled girl who needed with everything and brain scans. The other kids at school, their parents and the teacher had been scared of me, for me, pitying me. That's what the black out were doing to other people but for me, they were different, they were a part of me from which I had build myself and my identity. I couldn't do without, I needed a black out.
"I'm sorry I wanted to control the black out, I'm sorry I wanted to be able to chose where the black out take me," I started to plead with an entity I didn't know existed or not. "Just let me black out again and I'll take everything you have to give me."
"Are you ok?" Alex asked.
For a second, I wondered if I had talked out loud before realising I had stopped writing on my page and was now putting viscosity equations on the table.

"Yeah," I said before going back to my notes.
I needed to go back to my room and check my note books about the abscence of black out and how long at been my longest interval. I couldn't concentrate on anythings.
"Amy said that she is going to class with you later," Alex said.
"Yeah, she is coming with me to the second year quantum mechanic introduction after we go register her for her extra classes," I said.
"Amy taking extra classes," Alex said with a laugh in his voice.
"Yep," I answered not amused at all.
"Amy, my sister, taking extra classes," Alex said, "are we talking about the same person? She registered for a light course because we were not even sure that she could handle that much."
I looked at Alex straight in the eyes thinking about how much I liked the lieutenant Fin version of him better. The lieutenant Fin who was probably with Michelle right now getting the space ship to somewhere I really wanted to visit. I really wanted to be Michelle at this moment because Alex right here was being a jerk about his sister, the same sister who was everything he was telling she was just because nobody ever told her that she could be someone else, that she could be so much more if she ust tried.

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