Monday, October 9, 2017

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green (Book Review) Turtles all the Way Down Countdown 4/4 (with video)

Today, I'm reviewing the last of John Green's books until tomorrow and probably the most famous too: The fault in our stars.
First I have to say I didn't like this book all that much. I think it's overrated. I didn't feel anything sympathy for most of the characters. Yes, they are going to die and that's so sad because they are so young but basically my feeling for them sort of stopped there. I don't know if it's because I already knew they were going to die I mean since they all have cancer.

But I couldn't be friend with any of those characters and I need to be friend with the characters in the books I read or at least I need to have some emotional reaction to them. With this book, I didn't.

I find the character highly pretentious and the fact that they are sick doesn't mean they can't be spoiled little brats. The entire book feels like they know everything about life and about other people and their struggles just because they are dying. It's just very annoying.
Then we have everybody around the main character being a pain. I mean Patrick is ridiculed, Hazel's parent really don't understand poor Hazel who knows so much better, the nurses don't go to funerals, and the writer of Hazel's favorite book is like... a drunk.
It's like from Hazel's point of view the entire world sucks and nobody can be a decent person. And I totally get that she has teenager view of the world aka adults=bad idiots and cancer but at the same time it's really tiring to read.

And then there is the love story and it didn't really work for me. Because if I can't like the characters it's really hard to imagine how they can' love each other, I guess but at the same time all of them were so self-centred that I wasn't sure to see how this work except for the fact that they might want to experience stuff at rushed speed because they don't have time to lose after all.

I think Augustus was a nice guy and that he could have really love Hazel but the problem I have here is that:
1) he was dying without telling her.
2) He wanted to get laid and she was probably the only one around wanting to help with that. 
3) He already explained that his previous girlfriend died of brain cancer and he stayed with her by pity, which really doesn't help me trusting his deep feeling for Hazel even though they still felt more genuine than Hazel's feeling for him.

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