Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Wednesday Snippet: Demon World 140

Welcome to a new part of Demon World unedited, we start right where we left off last time.

A ball of fire passed just near his hear and landing somewhere in his room. Using fire against him was the better way to defy him. The smallest of the three demons was the one standing in front, his hand still in position. Yue looked at him above his shoulder smirking. The atmosphere suddenly felt hot and heavy, everyone was waiting for them to move, to know who would be the one dictating the rules after their fight, everyone except the demon standing on his table, he started to read again.
“Earlier today, one of you went out for a bit of fresh air and killed one of us creating a breach in the energy barrier. We want to know who it is. Until the guilty guy is found, you will be punished one after the other.” He claimed.
“Try that”, Kamaril said.
“If someone managed to get out, I seriously doubt he’ll be here waiting for you to punish him, he is probably out there ruling the world with his new powers which is exactly what all of us should do”, one of the other demons answered.
They seized the demon on the table and punched him in the face.
“Enough!” the voice of the demon with long hair resonated in the room. He didn’t seem so involved at the beginning but he seemed passable mad now.
“We have important things to do, we will let you to starve in here”, he said turning around followed by the two others.

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