Sunday, October 8, 2017

Paper Towns by John Green (Book Review) Turtles all the Way Down Countdown 3/4 (with video)

Today I'm reviewing a third book by John Green: Paper Town.
This book is based on two things. The first, Margo Roth Spiegelman a teenager with an history of skipping town for greater adventure while living clues behind for nobody to find her.
The second, Paper Towns, a fake town on a map used to detect plagiarism.
The book is build in the way that we see different angles of Margo through the eyes of Quentin but never one angle that Margo seem to be satisfied with. Margo is like that person who doesn't believe that the sum of her elements make her whole. I think in the end Quentin actually gets that and Margo still doesn't and still look for herself, which made me feel like the whole thing was a bit pointless. Yes, it's true that readers, including me, are probably routing got Margo and Q to get together but that's a John Green book that is sort of based on how real people will act so people in real life never really get those kind of wishes and we don't.
Margo remains in the darkness and still don't understand herself and since the book is about her, I find it a bit annoying.
I mean it's a beautiful read, don't get me wrong but I wished in include and evolution in the character of Margo just like it did for everyone else. For me Margo remain through the entire book the same person and that's really strange considering all that happened. At the same time, she is also repeating the same thing over and over again trying to obtain a different result which is kind of madness.

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