Sunday, November 27, 2016

WeWriWar 183: Rainbow catcher

Welcome to a new excerpt of Rainbow Catcher for the Weekend Writing Warrior and Snippet Sunday

Now let's go back to our story.

Summary of previous episodes: Clarissa is coughing and wanted to watch Everett Cooper on TV but Jason refused, she is due to get her rainbow the next day but she seems scared, to make her feel better Jason leave the TV on. Clarissa tried to explain about rainbows, she is a big fan of Everett Cooper but Jason is not too sure about it. Clarissa complained about her dialophone but Jason needs to go to work. Before completely leaving he is thinking about getting her her rainbow. We flashed back to the meeting Jason had with a rainbow seller at the black market. Jason left Clarissa's room to go to work. Jason was talking to his boss about the rainbow coming the next day. Jason prepared the money for the rainbow in a sport bag and went to the hospital. The rainbow seller arrived for the delivery. But it was a scam and Jason prepares to go get the rainbow himself in the desert. Markus has a last surprise for him.
We start just where we left off last week.

“Let me tell you what to expect so that you don’t get too disturbed when you get there,” Markus said.
Jason swallowed his spaghetti slowly, he needed some sleep before changing his mind about going to the desert in what seemed a foolish hopeless adventure and all he was getting more adult advices.

“First the desert people, they are not to be trusted.”
This was typical of Markus, nobody was ever to be trusted. It made Jason feel even more lonely than usual. He remembered the time when he would just hide in his father’s arm and know that everything was going to be all right, but even parents were not to be trusted, in the end they had died and left him and Clarissa alone.
“The water there is very expensive and precious, only carry a little at the time and keep it hidden from people's sight. I know of people being killed for some water. It’s the most precious thing in the desert after a rainbow and a way to travel, be it a motorbike, a car, a Zeppelin or a balloon,” Markus continued.

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  1. Ah, shades of Dune, in which the water sellers were the investment bankers of their planet.

  2. I wonder if he was aware of all this when he started making plans.

  3. It is going to be a tough journey ... I like how you give us a little more of his background.
