Sunday, November 27, 2016

Vlog #50: Doll hunting and Imperial palace (with video)

Today is a big vlog, I guess that compensate for the days I go without vlogging.

I woke up early to go get Minami mermaid princesses doll (yes, they don't have mermaid tails so I might make them one later.)  I wanted to reach the azone store as soon as it opened to be able to get the dolls, as I was expecting a lot of people to get there. There was a small queue when I arrived but not so many people before me. It got really crowded later on though. I managed to get both dolls. 
The azone store also had a event presenting doll houses, it was a lot of fun. I'll show that to you in the next video.
Then because the azone store is so good at showing off dolls in non original outfit, I decided to go back to a second hand store I visited in a previous trip to Akihabara and to get two extra dolls. Now I have 7/10 of the Sahra's a la mode dolls. I don't know if I'll get the others. I guess it depends when I find them.
I'm taking the bus tonight for a trip from Tokyo station so I walked from Akihabara to Tokyo station but I had some time to waste before taking the bus so I decided to go to the imperial palace and take some pictures.

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