Thursday, February 22, 2024

Thursday Fiction 413: Parallel Slip 2: Rebel

Welcome back to a new Thursday Fiction, it's been a while. We continue with Parallel Slip 2: Rebel where we left of last time, following Isabelle as she figure out who she really is.


When he finally appear, he was running. He unlocked the door with a bip bip sound without stopping and headed directly for his side.

“Get in the car,” he said.

Not in a friendly tone, he was barking an order. Isabelle looked from where he came from but didn't see anything. He was already on the driver seat and pushed her door open from the inside.

“Now!” He said. 

Isabelle hesitated just a second but if she was going to do this, she'd better do it now. She sat and closed the door, Romulus was driving before she had time to put her seat-belt on.

“I'm sorry for yesterday,” he finally said after a long moment of silence.

“That's alright,” Isabelle answered.

“No, that's not all right,” he said, “I should have taken you away after diner, I would never have forgiven myself if something had happened to you.” 


You can now find all the Snippets of Parallel Slip 2: Rebel on this blog right here.


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