Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Wednesday Snippet 412: Fairy World 53

Welcome back to Wednesday Snippet. This week, we continue with Fairy World unedited just where we left off last week

"Ok, now you've done it," he roared and dropped to the ground hands first. The grounds started to shake. The fairies laughed at the desperate attempt but the ground shook more and more as tower of dust and rocks erected themselves up with tree trunks. 


Azazel knocked out the fairies on the ground with the shake and created a barrier protecting him from up coming attacks from the sky with the trees and rock towers. 


"I don't want to kill you unless I have to," he said, "so you're lucky to have me here instead of another demons, now where is Amarelis?" 


"You'll never find the queen," the fairy said fighting against a tree with growing branches which turned around him to imprison him. 


"I think you guys need a little reality check," Azazel said. "Last time we came over, it got a little out of hand but we did kick your asses, and took our fairy back. Then Kamaril came alone and apparently he kicked your butts again and took your crazy angel. Now guess who is going to find your queen for a little chat? Just tell me where she is, all we want is to get out of your damn world." 


The fairies laughed. They laughed all in the same way and Azazel wonder if they weren't only one entity with several body, that freaked him out a little.

You can now find all the Snippets of Fairy World on this blog right here.


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