Sunday, October 22, 2023

WeWriWar 391: Sun Kiss 14

Hello everybody! 

Welcome to a new Sunday of writing with Weekend Writing Warrior and Snippet Sunday

You can find the snippet from the other participants in the blog hops in the Snippet Sunday facebook group and on the  Weekend Writing Warrior's blog. 

I have been gone for a while, truth be told I didn't feel comfortable participating since I didn't have time or energy to read the posts of the other participants. Things are better now so hopefully I'll be able to get by to my weekly Sunday Snippet and WeWriWar posts. 


We're going back to Sun Kiss where we left off last time. Sun Kiss is a story about a girl who had a vampire crashing into her window and the story that follows: 


“That’s a vampire in a pretty bad shape,” Daciana was saying all excited probably for the tenth time in a row. 

She was the youngest of them, she had grown up in a flash and now she seemed not to have all her marbles. 

Viorel had said it was temporary but Jane wasn't sure. Lab made demon blood had to be something to reckon with, even for a vampire. 

At the same time, Jane might never live long enough to see Daciana act normally, while Viorel and the others had all of eternity to wait for it. When a vampire said temporary, it could be months or it could be decades, Jane wasn't sure and she didn't ask. The easiest thing to do was to stay away from Daciana and not to contradict her too much so that you didn't endanger yourself and her when she threw a tantrum. She had always been weird, even when she was little and she didn't mix well with others while she was unsealed, for obvious reasons. 


You can read all the free snippets of Sun Kiss here.

You can find all my other novels free snippets here.


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