Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Wednesday Snippet 395: Fairy World 36

Welcome back to Wednesday Snippet. This week, we continue with Fairy World unedited just where we left off last week.  


Amarelis bite her lips, it has been so amusing to play queen that she didn't think about that.

"I'll help you," Amarelis said.

"Kick them unconscious?" Deborah asked.

"It's time for me to show them who the real queen is, and," she paused a moment, "I too, have a man to rescue."

"They keep getting themselves in trouble, don't they?" Deborah said. She thought about lord Ezechiel and what he might be doing alone, without her. She closed her eyes for a moment. He had rescued her to torture her and make her do his binding regardless of her safety, he did not love her. Nobody loved her and she didn't need to be loved. She had been living that way for as long as she knew after all. She could escape this place with Yue, just to repay him for freeing her and then, she would craft a place for herself in this world or another more welcoming. There were many a world out there, she would just have to find one.

"He..., never mind," Amarelis said looking absently at the report in front of her. 

You can now find all the Snippets of Fairy World on this blog right here.

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