Thursday, October 26, 2023

Thursday Fiction 396: Parallel Slip 2: Rebel

Welcome back to a new Thursday Fiction, it's been a while. We continue with Parallel Slip 2: Rebel where we left of last time, following Isabelle as she figure out who she really is.

“Not what's best for me, what's best for himself. Not what's best for you either and not what's best for this universe. You can delude yourself if you want, anyone willing to put Malik in charge needs to be out of his mind.”

“Your brother will do much better than you as an heir, your attitude, even now with a bleeding nose is deplorable.”

“I'm sorry if I care more about my own pain and leaking blood than about courtesy right now.”

“It's impossible to talk to you, but hear me clearly. If you slip into another world one more time without my agreeing to it, I'll make sure this is your last trip,” her mother said.

“I can see how that deeply serve my best interest,” Isabelle answered, “I would have thought the imposter should have been the one with a death sentence on her head.”

“I'm not going to kill you,” her mother said looking offended.

“Just like you didn't kill uncle Henry either,” Isabelle answered.

Her mother took a step further, her eyes shouting daggers.

“There are things that even a mother can't forgive,” she said and she turned around not giving Isabelle a chance to reply.


You can now find all the Snippets of Parallel Slip 2: Rebel on this blog right here.


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