Sunday, October 14, 2018

WeWriWar 265: Demon Soul

Welcome to a new excerpt of DEMON SOUL for the Weekend Writing Warrior and Snippet Sunday
Brownie is a normal girl, or so she thinks. She likes to chat with her sisters about random things, she likes fashion and she is member of the fashion club at school. But one day, as her little brother gets really sick because of a curse placed on him, she meets this really strange guy who cures him absorbing the baby's sickness within himself. As he is about to fall from his new acquired fever, Brownie sees Yue's soul and immediately falls in love with him. But Yue is not a human, Yue is a demon.
Brownie and Yue will built their love story until....

Until Yue's soul is stolen. There is nothing left of their love. The purple light dancing in Yue's grey eyes is gone. Forever? Not quite. Brownie is desperate to find it back. And to get a soul stolen by demons, she needs to go deep into dark magic! But Brownie is not a witch, she is just looking for a spell powerful enough to bring her love back. When an amateur starts playing with strong magic without preparation and without caring for the consequences, things turn wrong...

Let's start right where we left off.  

At that time, it had been so difficult to know what he wanted, what he felt. Thinking about it, it had been difficult until the end. Giving him his soul back would be her last gift for him, even if she knew she would never see him again.

She put the book back. After tomorrow she would not have to worry about demons ever again.

Brownie was the last to arrive in the kitchen. The little ones already had dinner and were in bed. The conversation was animated, Hitomi wanted to tell everyone about her next novel.

Check out my video of the Japan writers conference happening this weekend in Otaru.

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  1. Is Brownie getting close to the end of her search, or are there unexpected problems yet to come? Also, thanks for the video report from Japan.

    1. Let's just say that the solution to that problem isn't going to be the one she was aiming for.
      You're welcome. I'm having fun with the vlogging.

  2. "Ever again" can be a looooong darn time! Is that what she really wants, even if it is possible?

    1. Not what she wants, more like what she fears.

  3. Somehow I doubt the resolution will be so simple! Nice slice of life snippet, with a lot of foreshadowing maybe!

    1. We are still pretty early in the book so.... :)

  4. Hmm - an interesting sentence in the middle!

  5. I feel her excitement (sharing her novel) and dread that he will leave. Interesting.

    I forgot to sign up.
