Monday, October 15, 2018

Japan Writers Conference in Otaru

I spend the weekend at the Japan Writers Conference in Otaru. This is a free yearly conference in Japan of authors and writers and basically anyone interested who wants to show up and check it out. It was super interesting, I met a lot of nice people and it was also a trip to Hokkaido which is pretty awesome. 
Of course, I took this opportunity to make videos for my author channel on youtube. One for each day though I think I did a better genre with the second video. So you can check a sort of summary of what I learned and thought about the different lecture and workshop of the event. 

Here is the video for day 1

Here is the video for day 2

Now that the conference is over, I'm staying a few days in Otaru just for sightseeing so there will be vlogs of that coming up too.

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