Sunday, September 9, 2018

WeWriWar 261: Demon Soul

Welcome to a new excerpt of DEMON SOUL for the Weekend Writing Warrior and Snippet Sunday

Brownie is a normal girl, or so she thinks. She likes to chat with her sisters about random things, she likes fashion and she is member of the fashion club at school. But one day, as her little brother gets really sick because of a curse placed on him, she meets this really strange guy who cures him absorbing the baby's sickness within himself. As he is about to fall from his new acquired fever, Brownie sees Yue's soul and immediately falls in love with him. But Yue is not a human, Yue is a demon.
Brownie and Yue will built their love story until....

Until Yue's soul is stolen. There is nothing left of their love. The purple light dancing in Yue's grey eyes is gone. Forever? Not quite. Brownie is desperate to find it back. And to get a soul stolen by demons, she needs to go deep into dark magic! But Brownie is not a witch, she is just looking for a spell powerful enough to bring her love back. When an amateur starts playing with strong magic without preparation and without caring for the consequences, things turn wrong...

Let's start right where we left off.  

He had always been so reluctant to talk about the other demons and what he could do.

While putting back a book, she heard a strange click coming from the wall behind the shelves. She stopped a second to listen but there was nothing to hear except her own breathing. She thought it was her imagination; the library could be full of strange noises in the evening. She put another book in place, then another and heard the click again. This time, the book shelves slightly moved away from the wall, turning slowly. She walked to the end of it and pulled. There was a hole in the wall, and she could feel some cold wind coming from it.

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  1. Oooh! A secret passage? Can't wait to find out where it leads or what's inside it.

  2. I love the idea of secret room/passageway. Oh, where does it lead?
