Sunday, November 5, 2017

WeWriWar 229: Demon Soul

Welcome to a new excerpt for the Weekend Writing Warrior and Snippet Sunday.
When Demon Soul first came out, it wasn't really in it's best form. 
It is the first book of my Demon Series and the First book of The House at The Crossing cluster. I have written a lot of the other books in the series, I have about 6 so far, but I haven't gone to publishing them mostly because I wasn't happy with the quality of Demon Soul and Demon and Fairy. So I wanted to have something that look better and that I could be proud of  before getting the other books out.
I decided to redo Demon Soul with a brand new edit and a brand new cover. 
The book is almost ready and the professional cover should arrive next month so I though I could start here with a few snippet until the cover reveal and the new publishing. 


Let's start right were we left off last week

"You make me feel strange," Yue had said. "It's normal for a demon to feel unloved".
Brownie had promised to make him feel loved every day and that made him laugh. But now it was all gone, this time it was different.

When Yue came back after one more fight that night, he didn't rush through the window, he calmly knocked at the door and apologised for the trouble he caused. Something broke in her heart, she instinctively knew that something was wrong but she couldn't put a name on it. For the next few days, he acted like a ghost and had violent crises due to headaches. When she wanted to help, he pushed her away and started to space their meetings.

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1 comment:

  1. Oh, I wonder what happened and why he's distancing himself from her.
