Sunday, November 5, 2017

NaNoWriMo Vlog Day 4: I went to Doll & Toy

Today's writing was on the low side. 112 words that's ridiculous but at the same time. Every little words count and 112 words is always better than zero.
I went to a doll event (I do those a lot) in Saitama. It was my first time actually getting out of the train at Omiya station.
I have a coverage of the event here if you want to have a look.
It was small but a lot of fun, especially the seeing a doll created in front of me part.
I'm still on schedule for the "normal" NaNoWriMo but now I'm 502 words behind for my own special "2500 words a day" schedule. Hopefully, I'll deal with that soon and get back on track.

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