Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Wednesday Snippet: Demon World 146

Welcome to a new part of Demon World unedited, we start right where we left off last time.

Gideon was looking at the wall wondering what the boundary of friendship was. He was also afraid for Brownie but it didn’t mean that he would have sent other people to get hurt to get her back. But he knew he had just done it and somehow the idea repulsed him even thought they were demons. He had learned long ago that where you were coming from and what you were supposed to be didn’t really apply, especially in this house.
“Can’t we do something to help?” he said.
“We’ve already done enough, they could have flew there but it was interesting to open the vortex, it’s my first”, Viorel said.
Gideon looked at him puzzled. No matter what was happening around he would never change, no worries, no extreme fear or join or feeling was ever to be seen on the vampire’s face.
“Tell me how to go there”, Gideon said.
“No”, Viorel answered.
“I want to get Brownie back as much as they do, and I can protect myself, tell me how to get there”, Gideon said again.
“You know how to protect yourself, la la la”, Dylan said singing coming closer to Gideon liking his upper lips.
Gideon was unimpressed.
“So…” he said.

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