Thursday, November 2, 2017

Thursday Fiction 139: Parallel Slip

Welcome back to a new part of Parallel Slip, where we follow the adventure of Frederique through her slip in different parallel universes.

Let's start right where we left off last week.

"Yes, she is going to take at least five more classes, you know a lot to learn, no time to waste," I said.
"But what for? What's the point if she can't even do the little she has to do?" Alex asked.
"Because she can actually, she is a lot smarter than it seems," I said.
"I know her well, she always want to do things and always stops in the middle, she wanted to play the piano but she didn't want to learn music theory so she had to stop, she wanted to ride horses but she didn't want to get out during the winter season so she stopped that too. She tried to learn Spanish but can't even mutter and single sentence. This is going to be the same, after the first few class, she'll probably stop going to class and fail her exam because I won't be there to whisper the answers," Alex said shaking his head.
I didn't know anything about the piano or horses but I know that there was something more to Amy than what her family could see. Hell there was a lot more to me than what my family could see.
"I'm taking care of it, you won't have to do a thing," I said smiling, "have a little bit of faith."
"You have your own life," Alex said, "You don't need to ruin it for my sister. You have a plan, she doesn't, she picked biology because that was easy, you picked physics because you are looking for something. Don't let her drag you into more than you can't handle. I had to carry her dead wait until now and I'm just happy we don't share any classes."
"I'll be fine. I'll be extra fine." I said.
I was glad when the second class started and I didn't have to listen to Alex anymore. He could have been right. It could be that Amy was really bad at everything and that she wouldn't be able to handle things because she had never handled anything that huge before. And it could also be that she could do it if there was nobody around to tell her she wasn't good enough. I wanted to bet on the second one. I didn't know why but it seemed important.

"I hate electrodynamics," I blurted as I sat in front of Amy at the university restaurant's wooden table.
"You can't hate electrodynamics, it's the base of everything," Alex answered.
"I still hate it and there is not changing my mind about it," I said.
I let three books fall on the sit next to me and Amy bend over the table to grab them. I had packed my bag with so much fun read that they didn't fit in.
"If you hate it so much, why do you have three textbook that say "electrodynamics" on their cover," Amy asked.
"And five more in her bag," Alex said.
"Because I want to get rid of it by the end of the week," I said.
"Is that even possible?" Amy answered.
"No," Alex said.

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