Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Wednesday Snippet: Demon World 139

Welcome to a new part of Demon World unedited, we start right where we left off last time.

The three of them were here. They didn’t look that almighty once they had gone down of their pedestal and weren’t sitting on their throne anymore. They were just normal demons just like the rest of them, maybe a little older and with more killing experience but Torsti had given up on aiming at harboring big large horns like his father had long ago. The horns wouldn’t grow on him, no matter how many demons he had kill and it seemed to be the same for the rest of them today. After the fight earlier, they should all have some by now.
“Yue!” the demon repeated.
Two demons in robe walked to Yue’s door and used their powers to open it. They entered in the dark and Yue felt on them. They didn’t have time to cry before being projected out of the room, dead, both of them.
“I understand why Davon wouldn’t let us sleep in there”, Kamaril said laughing.
“Get him!” the tallest of the three demons said.
Two other demons entered the room slowly looking everywhere. Yue felt down behind them near the door fire going out of his hands, they were roasted before they could do one more step.
“What do you want?” he said yawning.
His eyes were darker than ever, there was absolutely nothing white remaining in them.
The three demons didn’t answer to him. They didn’t even look at him. One of the demons in robe walked in the middle of the room and jump standing on the table. He held a manuscript in his hand.
“Earlier today”, he started.
“If you are going to lecture us, I’m not interested, call me when I can go see the witch”, Yue said turning around.

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