Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The Artist's Way Day 17 (Chapter 3): Jealousy, Godless meaning of life, Shame

So today, I'm starting on chapter 3.
It's a lot better than chapter 2 but I still have a lot of issues with the "God" concept.
This chapter is separated into several parts.
The first one is anger and it basically explains that you have to act on those "anger" moment to get into what you really want because that's what those anger moments are about.
The way I see it, those are more little jealousy moment when you compare yourself to others, compare what they did to what you think you could do. I don't personally think we should act on them. I see them more as jealousy issues than real anger.
I would rather acknowledge my own value and achievement instead of measuring them by comparing myself to other people. It don't think all that healthy to me. The thing is. As long as you are comparing yourself to other you are going to have hundred of those moment with more or less realistic actions that you can take about them. Are you supposed to get everything you want as soon as you have a jealous fit... I don't think so.

The second part is synchronicity, which for me is once again more like cause and effect. I don't have much issue about the end of this part but I do have a huge issue about the mambo jumbo at the beginning and the way meaning is treated as being inherently associated to god. I have also huge problem with the never ending way the author is trying to sort of guilt trip people into using their "gift" from god because they owe it to god. Guess what, new flash, You don't owe shit to anyone. period. Even god whoever your god is.

Then there is the third part about Shame. I agree with almost everything that said there even though the book doesn't bring much of a solution to the shaming problem and only consider the aspect of bad criticism. Shaming deserved a lot more than that as it is at first programmed in you by our upbringing.

Here is the video

Useful links to go deeper into the topics.

Actualized.org videos:
Understanding Meaning, Purpose, & Value.
Uncovering Your Childhood Vows - Unwire Your Neurotic Personality

Badwitches articles:
7 revolutionary habits of wealthy witches.
A dangerous love letter from my shadow.
What happened when I told the Goddess to fuck off.
7-things that happened when I quit my fancy internet life.

Novel mentioned int the video:
The alchemist, Firestarter.



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