Sunday, September 17, 2017

Doll Box Opening and Review: Kikipop Pink Cream Soda

Since I went to pic up this little cutie yesterday, it's time to open her box.
You can see the videos of the Kikipop Festival here:

Kikipop Pink Cream Soda, is the first of the KP Diner girls to come out.
The others should be around on September 21st.
It is the first time that Azone actually release three kikipop at the same time, generally, they always came in pair.
This Kikipop is also a collaboration with rement who did the accessory.
We can say that she comes with a lot because she had a hat and bows and extra pig tails that can be attached.Of Course she has her outfit but she also has a parfait and a tray.

She is really cute and adorable.

I took pictures of her with all my other kikis.


Here are some pictures

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