Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wednesday Snippet: Demon World 96

Welcome to a new part of Demon World unedited, we start right where we left off last time.

“So…” Sahel started but Azazel didn’t let him finish, he throw his fist straight in his lower jaw, where the chin is hanging.
Sahel took few steps back massaging his jaw, a bit amazed.
“Don’t fuck with me, or I’ll kill you”, Azazel said. He had never been that serious in his life, looking at him would have scared anyone around. He seemed to be ready for killing Sahel right here, right now if necessary.
But Sahel just laughed.
“Are we even now?” he said.
“I guess so”, Azazel answered smirking.
“Then let’s get moving”, Sahel said.
Azazel opened the door to the library and Sahel followed him in.
“How can you live in a place like this and know so very little about almost everything”, Azazel answered. He had always been amazed by Sahel’s lack of very basic knowledge. He lack of knowledge about the demon world was understandable as he had been living in the human world for most of his life but there was basic that were the same everywhere.
“I didn’t have much time to learn”, Sahel answered for an explanation.
Azazel was looking around, not really paying attention. The library was two floor tall as far as he could see and there were shelves on every subject he could dream of, even really rare editions.

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