Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Special Halloween Doll Review: Taeyang Nosferatu (with video)

Taeyang Nosferatu's video wasn't supposed to be a part of this Special Halloween series but I was asked to make a review of him so here we go. Taeyang Nosferatu is the only male vampire from the Vampire series by Groove which contains Pullip Elizabeth, Pullip Carmilla, Dal Ende and Byul Lilith. He has a very different style than Isul Vermelho. First, he has long white hair giving him an older look than Vermelho. Then he has removable fang so he can pretend not to be a vampire even if his very pale skin ton and deep crimson lips betray his nature. He is dressed in a more contemporary way too reminding me more of the bad vampire in Underworld than the classy one in Interview with a vampire. I think he totally makes a great pair with my Carmilla Queen of the vampire.

I have a lot of dolls who don't have their own videos because I had them before starting this youtube adventure so I intent to review them later on. If there is a particular doll you want reviewed and I happen to have her, please feel free to ask and I'll make the review for you.

Here are some pictures.

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