Friday, October 28, 2016

Special Halloween Sample Doll Review: Dal Lipoca (my little monsters Dal part 4)

This video is part of the Special Halloween Series but at the same time, it's part of the "my little monster Dal" series because Lipoca is the counter part of Tezca.
I had Lipoca for a long time before I managed to get the others so when I made a video for them I didn't make a video for her. Still here we go as a little devil for this Special Halloween series.

Lipoca is totally the devil herself because she is dressed in white, black and red as if she was just coming out of hell.
She has a black and red wig too that gives her a sort of fiery air. She wears her devil horn's hat and wings as well as a fork. The rest of her outfit is white and black. She is the counterpart of Tezca the little hell rabbit. 

Quote:  I'm practicing so hard, but no one seems to be surprised. Why? Why? I missed again ! But I'll surprise Tezca someday!

Associated blog posts: Lipoca, Tezca, Hangry and Angry.
Associated Videos: Tezca, Hangry and Angry

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