Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Sunday at groove head quarter, pullip sample sale

I went to the Groove head quarter for the pullip sale on Sunday. I was expecting something a bit different in their head quarter when in fact the offices are on the first floor and the sale was on the parking spot on the ground floor. So the only part of groove I actually saw was the pictures of doll at their windows. (I'll take a picture for you next time).
The sale was a bit like a garage sale with a small table covered in dolls in the middle. I was the first customer to arrive and I didn't see any one else even though a lot of other people actually register. I was also quite early. I don't have pictures of the event because I was feeling a bit nervous with the three groove people looking at which dolls I was going to chose.
So I started with figuring out which dolls where there that I actually don't have, were on my wish list and cheaper there than on amazon which is my main reference. I finally decided for four of them and then I had a change of heart and went back for one more.

I'm hoping to go back next week and I'm hoping they'll have some different dolls. I'm still looking for so rare dolls like Io, Mir or Miku lol so I would love to see them over there.
This time around, they didn't have as much choice as they did at the doll show way back but they had some Alices which were lacking last time. Though not the Alices I needed. 
Here is the video of the day


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