Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Sample Sale Pullip Bloody Red Hood review (with video)

Groove was doing a sample doll sale on Sunday as I already presented in a previous blog post. I bought five dolls that day and Bloody Red Hood was the first of them.
Bloody Red hood is a collaboration doll between Groove, TokyRose, Crankygel and Momolita. She had been on my wishlist for a long time.
She was always an expensive doll, as her price doubled from her price on released until Saturday when it finally dropped and went back to normal.
I was hesitating between getting her on amazon on Saturday before her price increased again or waiting for Sunday morning to try and get her cheaper at the Groove sample sale. The thing is, you never know which doll is going to show up at the sample sale. Anyway, I decided to wait and see if I could find her on Sunday morning. This time around, patience paid of and Bloody Red Hood became the first doll I bought on Sunday morning. I was really happy to find her at a good price.
She has a really crazy outfit with many layers of fabric and the most beautiful wine coloured hair and eyes.
There is two different version of Bloody Red Hood and the one I got is the regular version.
Here is the video
And here are some pictures from the facebook album


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