Monday, January 1, 2024

Mystery Monday 201: Murder at the Conference 98

Hello mystery lovers and welcome to a new Mystery Monday.
I hope you had a great week-end. Here is a new little part of Murder at the Conference. Murder at the Conference is a stand alone sequel to Harajuku Kiss.


We start right were we left off last week:

“I'm might be bigger than you but that's the way American people are supposed to be, our body is shaped that way, sorry that I don't look enough like a human being for you. And I'm healthy, a lot healthier than you in my mind and body. People telling fat people are unhealthy and that they are concern for our health are just liars. If I was to starve myself nobody would give a damn about my health as long as I was the same weight as you.”


“Well, I'm no liar, I'm not concern for anyone's else health for that matter. I'm not concern about a stranger's health on any particular level unless I have to call an ambulance. I'm not walking around telling people to lose weight and how to do it because I don't give a crap. It doesn't concern me one bit. And I can assure you that if I was to starve myself right now, nobody would show any concern about my health either because I am nowhere near close enough to look like an anorexic. If people could actually see the starvation, they would react, most of the time it's invisible until you actually need an IV.”


“Don't try to pretend that skinny girls have it has bad as fat girls!” 


You can now find all the Snippets of Murder at the Conference on this blog all together right here.

About Harajuku Kiss

At times, life can be so depressing. She is walking her usual recovery tour in Harajuku, finishing with a crepe, tying to forget that her boyfriend dumped her once again for the week-end... When the unthinkable happens... A boy stops in front of her in the street and kisses her, in to discover more about him, she is dragged into a dangerous game of mystery. A biologist has been murdered and a deadly virus is on the loose. First suspect: the mysterious Harajuku's stranger. 

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