Sunday, November 19, 2023

WeWriWar 395: Sun Kiss 18

Hello everybody! 

Welcome to a new Sunday of writing with Weekend Writing Warrior and Snippet Sunday

You can find the snippet from the other participants in the blog hops in the Snippet Sunday facebook group and on the  Weekend Writing Warrior's blog. 

Yesterday I reached 50000 words and won NaNoWriMo for the 15th year in a row. 

Now that this is done, let's go back to Sun Kiss where we left off last time, Jane was talking about the vampire being hunted:

Sometimes they won, sometimes they didn't. When they didn't, you ended up with people like Viorel, Dylan and Sorina. People would could tell you about history not because they had read it in a book but because they were actually there and they had seen it with their own eyes. It was simultaneously fascinating and creepy.


“We have to do something,” Sorina answered. 


She was looking at the vampire’s eyes, with a small torch and trying to see if she could make anything move in there. But his eyes were completely white and empty as if he was blind or dead. The thought gave a chill to Jane but then she remembered, they were all dead. 



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  1. Chilling: "they were all dead." great excerpt!

  2. Good work! I'm nearing 39,000 words. I've been dragging it out a bit as I'm working on multiple projects.

  3. "All dead . . ." Not hardly! Great tease!

  4. Congratulations on reaching your 50,000 word goal! I enjoyed the excerpt. I love the part about them being able to talk about history from experience instead of from a book.

  5. Yes, that last line is sobering--and chilling. Tweeted.
